Monday, August 9, 2010

Fantabulous Cricut Challenge

This week is all about the word "Smile" and making a project incorporating "Smile" somewhere on your project!

So you can take this card 2 ways "Smile Crab" implying your giving it to someone crabby or just "Smile" and this is the crabs it how you will LOL !!!

This was made with Create a Critter and Peachy Keen Princess stamps. I pop doted the crab and the flag, then inked the project and embellished with a white gel pen! Enjoy!

If you would like to play along this week click here to go to the Fantabulous Cricut Challenge Blog


  1. Love the colors on this. So cute.

  2. Great job! Anybody crabby would definitely have to smile :)

  3. I thought it was a happy crab's house. Either way, it's a great card! I love the beige with red - and especially like the swirl at the top too! Great job, Michelle!

  4. Your card is adorable! The crab and sandcastle are darling:)


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!