Monday, January 24, 2011

This weeks challenge!

This weeks challenge at the Fantabulous Cricut is to use a cartridge you havent used in 6 months or more. So I decided to use Wild Card since I havent used it in over a year !!! Oh my right? LOL
This says "Welcome to the Neighborhood" inside!
Enjoy~ (with a little suprise inside.....)
A fun Peachy Keen face ...what else?


  1. This is so cute, Michelle! What a great surprise inside! The embossing looks fantastic.

  2. Very cute! Love the PK face inside! I am hoping to join the challenge, since I have a TON of carts I have NEVER used and they are over six months old!! So sad!

  3. Great idea to use an old cart...I plan to do the same. I love that you used this card for "Welcome to the Neighborhood." I have a couple of those to make! I'll make a smaller version and attach to a batch of homemade sweets.

  4. Super cute house with the mosaic & of course the PKS inside the door.

    Simple Creations


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