Tuesday, March 29, 2011

End of Watch

On April 1st 1997 my husband responded to a shots fired, officer down call over his radio. Moments later he arrived on scene to find a deputy he had just talked to less than an hour before, had been fatally wounded missing his Kevlar vest by inches.

Like soldiers serving over-seas the men and women of Law Enforcement put themselves in harms way protecting our own war here at home. At any moment the people we love could be gone forever.

I find it very fitting and a coincidence that on April 1st Pink by Design will be releasing many stamp sets, this being a sneak peak of my favorite.

I want to thank all men and women,past and present, who serve to protect our country, my family and the people I love!!


  1. great card...


  2. Ohhhh....great card and I cannot wait to see this stamp set!

  3. Great card! Thank you for posting it!
    I am a Deputies wife too. :)
    OneCreativeMomma at yahoo dot com

  4. Great card for a population so often not appreciated the way they should be. Where would we be without them serving and protecting?

  5. I LOVE your card. On April 1st here in WNY there will be a funeral for a State Trooper that was killed during a routine traffic stop. :'( It's humbling to realize the danger these men and women put themselves in every day to protect us.

    Thanks to all of them.


  6. I love this Michelle!!! I am sorry for your hubbys experience but I do appreciate all those serving and protecting our country too! Thank you for your inspiring card!

  7. Love your card. It's simple but poignant. And the sentiment is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks for sharing the story Michelle-- It makes my heart break--but, it is true- we need to show our appreciation to those men and women and their families who put it all on the line.

  9. i am so very sorry to hear about an officer losing their life in the line of duty! Your card is beautiful!

  10. Great card! So so so sorry to hear about the fallen officer. I do appreciate the men and women who serve our country, our states, and our cities to keep us all safe. Thank you for sharing your card and your talents.

    scrapbooknut67114 at gmail dot com

  11. Great card. I'm thankful for those who protect us and serve our country and communities.

  12. Awesome card. Love this. My brother just came home for the first time from his Navy training.
    ~Madison funkycards.blogspot.com

  13. I love this and it's so thoughtful. We cannot let these brave ppl be forgotten! Thanks for reminding us all :-)

  14. Michelle, this gave me goosebumps. Thank you for sharing with us your husband's personal story.

  15. My husband is also Law Enforcement. I'm so sorry for your community's loss. My heart and prayers go out to the family, friends and department.


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!