Sunday, March 27, 2011

Storing my Cricut Carts

Thought I would show you how I store my Cricut cartridges. One picture is the first half of the alphabet and the second picture is the last half of the alphabet. Currently I have approx 200+ on both of these units. I have them all alphabetized and color coded for the type of cartridge they are. For example fonts=pink, shapes=blue, lites=gray, cake=orange, solutions=yellow, limited edition=purple, licensed=white, school=green...etc. I have also included a video I made awhile back if you would like more info on the bags, clip it up and more. Happy Organizing !!!


  1. Wow that is awesome! I love organization...sometimes I feel like I spend too much time organizing that I don't leave enough time to create :)

  2. That looks awesome! I am a huge fan of organization, although you wouldn't know it by looking at my craft area right now! LOL! I would love to do a system like this, but for some reason, I just can't take my cartridges out of their boxes... I don't know why!! :)

  3. It is a awesome way of organizing your carts. I am with Got2BCrafting, It's too hard for me to leave my boxes. I like looking at the back to give me a quick reference to what is on that cart! Maybe I could print a colored sheet of each carts characters! Does anyone do that? Perhaps placing the pages in a binder for my reference and then organizing the carts like Michelle would work for me!

  4. Thanks so much for sharing!! It looks really

  5. Wow!!!!! I have 5 cartridges, mine are easy to store, he he.

  6. I only wish I had as much stuff as you!! WOW!

  7. Michelle, did you say where you got the bags from? Thanks for sharing. Very good idea.

  8. Just came across your video while doing the party blog hop...great organizing! I can see you are as nuts as I am...he-he ! Where were the zip bags from?
    Creative Wishes,
    Claire S.


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