Friday, May 6, 2011

HUGE Giveaway !!

These BEAUTIFUL flowers were handmade and sent to me by the design team at Provo Craft !!! Aren't they gorgeous??

Provo Craft has graciously given me the opportunity to giveaway a free 3 month membership to the Exclusive Cricut Circle !!!!

Whats better?? I will give this prize to 3 people !!! Yes 3 Cricut lovers !!! All you have to do is become a follower of my blog AND tell me why you would love to be in the Circle? You need to comment on this post by Sunday May 8th at Midnight PST.

***If you are already a circle member you can still enter and then you can give your winnings to your BFF, Mom or someone you love!!

Wowzers you get so much with the circle including but not limited to....
Exclusive cartridges
Special buying privileges
Extra rewards points
Special discounts
Members only bracelet with charm
Access to the exclusive online magazine, message board and blog
Able to attend swarms, meetups etc...
and sooo much more!

Remember to become a follower and leave me a comment. You can earn an extra entry by joining my facebook Page at Scrappin with my Bug and then come back and tell me you did.

Happy MOTHER"S Day to all the moms out there have a great weekend and GOOD LUCK !!!


  1. I am already a follower. Trying out Cricut CIrcle would be a great opportunity to meet other Cricut addicts and to get inspiration from exclusive blog, message board and challenges.I am curious to find out about the buying priveleges and discounts Thank you Michelle for the opportunity.

  2. I joined your facebook page

  3. I would sure love to win a 3 month subscription to the Circle. I have had my expression for a little over a year and just got the new E2 this past Monday - what a learning tool that would be!!!! I am already a follower of yours on Facebook - that's where I saw the link to get here and BEG to receive one of your flowers!!! Thank you so much. I really appreciate the chance to be a circle member:)

  4. I keep trying to win one of these I love Provo craft like none other lol thanks for the chance to win :)

    Perfectlyunperfectcards at gmail dot com

  5. OMG thank you very much! I would love to win. Thanks thanks thanks!

  6. I feel like I'm on the Bachelor and I'm hoping to win a coveted rose! I'd love a chance to check out the Circle! (And thanks for all the inspiration on your blog, too!!!).

  7. I would love to win the 3 months of cricut circle. I have been cricuting for 4 years now and always looking for new avenues for inspiration. I am already a follower on Facebook. Thank you an opportunity to win. Happy mothers day

    Lisa Monter

  8. I'm already a follower :-) These are beautiful. Way to go PC! Thanks for sharing with us!

    I Would LOVE <3 a chance to win!!! I have wanted to join the cricut circle since day 1, but like many others are out of a job and can't afford to join yet. I would LOVE the opportunity to join and take part in all the exciting things the Cricut Circle has to offer and hopefully have an opportunity to meet some crafters in my area, since I don't know any right now. This is such a great opportunity for you and PC to share with us. THANK YOU!!! -Sam :-)

    SamanthaJDesigns @

  9. already a facebook follower too :-)

    THANKS AGAIN for sharing!!! -Sam :-)

    SamanthaJDesigns @

  10. I am already a follower and a facebook fan! Thank you for this opportunity! I would love to meet other Cricut fans and see their ideas. I have been a Cricut addict for three years now and would love to be able to be in the Circle. Thank you so much! Have a great day! :)

  11. I would absolutely love to win this. I want the inspiration and enthusiasm!Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway!

  12. I would love the exclusive cartridges!

    navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com

  13. I follow your facebook page.

    navybaby1113 (at) gmail (dot) com

  14. Oh my what an awesome chance to become one with the Cricut Circle group. I have always wanted to be a member but can't justify spending the money when retirement is so close. thanks for such a awesome giveaway. Also love your blog.

  15. Of course already a FB fan and a follower of your blog, I love to be a member so I can see what all the hype is about!!!! Thanks Michelle, Hugs, Bev

  16. Awesome...congrats on your bouquet!! I love the Circle....still saving my pennies to stay in it next quarter :)

  17. I am already a follower. I love to do cards and all things connected to Provo. I have an Expressons machine and would love to try a trial membership to the Circle. I have not joined before so this will give me the chance to see if I want to. Good Luck to everyone and thanks for a great chance to win......... I have a very small blog and would love for your to visit. I am trying to get 100 followers by tomorrow. That will be my first year anniversary of my blog...............Good Luck to everyone.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I am a follower of your blog. I would love to try out the Cricut Circle to find inspiration and learn more about the cricut.

  20. I just went and liked your Face Book page and will be your newest follower.

    I would love to own the newest Cricut but that is not in my budget- so being part of the circle would show me all the ways the Cricut machines are being used and being part of the group for inspiration.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win.
    blessings to you, Dawn ll

  21. Yippy!!!! I am a follower.
    I have already been following you on FB!!!

    Thank you for the giveway :)

    Happy Mother's Day

  22. Already a facebook fan. I'm now following your blog. I'm a loner and new to Cricut, so an opportunity to be a circle member would be very inspiring and of course give me more ideas to be creative.
    nana5604 at gmail dot com

  23. I LOVE being a Circle Member and I'd LOVE to give the membership to one of my awesome scrappy friends who LOVES Circut too :) Thanks for the chance and I LOVE that cool bouquet!

  24. Lucky girl! I'd love to win just so I can afford another term!! Great giveaway sister! :)

  25. I would love to win this. I follow you on FB also your blog!

  26. These are such beautiful paper flowers! I would love the opportunity to be a part of the Cricut circle. I always love to get inspiration from others on projects with the bug and I would love to view the Cricut magazine online!

  27. What lovely flowers! And what a great giveaway!!! I have been thinking about the CC and now I might have a chance to join for 3 free months to check it out!!

  28. I am now a follower on facebook, too!

  29. I am following and would love to be in the circle because: 1) I had to chose between the circle & the Imagine this year (Imagine won), and 2) I need some help and inspiration with my new machine (coming for Mother's day!). Thanks! cjdempsey9 at msn dot com

  30. wow Michelle this is a awesome give away I am already a happy follower as you know I love your blog you teach me so much and you are always there when I did help or even if your just passing a great sale by me, lol I would love to get the chance to be a circle member I have not work in over 2yrs and just can't afford it, I was hoping to give a try a few mths ago remember when I was asking you about it, I was so upset I wasn't able to come up with the money, so this would be awesome if I could win the chance thanks to you and PC for giving me a chance at it hugs my friend Debbie

  31. Hello again I am also a big fan of you FB page as well thanks again for this chance and these flowers are so beautiful hugs Debbie

  32. Thanks for giving the Circle members a chance to share membership! My sister in law would LOVE to win! She has a baby bug, and a new baby, so she has to put most of her budget into the baby. She would love a chance to participate in all the contest and awsome inspiration from the Circle blog :oD

  33. I would love to win because It would be neat to be apart of such a could and "special" society.

  34. This would be amazing to win. I have thought about joining but have a hard time justifying spending that much money. I would take it on a trial run and see if it is really for me. Thanks for the chance to win.
    cstephenson at q dot com

  35. I love the Cricut Circle and would be soooo happy to give this to one of my BFF's who I totally enabled in getting a Cricut. This would be such a great gift for her!! :) Thanks for giving me this opportunity.

  36. I am already a follower of your blog and FB page!

  37. I am of course already a follower on fb and of your blog because I LOVE the things you create. I'd like to be able to "test drive" the Cricut Circle to be able to see if this is how I want to spend my crafting pennies :) I really would like to see what incredible things this group of people create and share with each other.
    Thank you for this opportunity,

  38. Love those paper flowers. I am already a follower of your blog and on FB. I would love a chance to win. Thanks Phyllis
    hairdresser16 at aol dot com

  39. I am a follower and would love to try out the circle!! This is such an awesome thing for PC to do. And it is great that you are sharing with us!!

  40. I'm a follower on fb & of your blog, but of course I didn't read right and said that in my first post :P
    I guess I'm just that excited by this opportunity!

  41. I am already a follower on your blog and on your facebook. I would love to win because I love everything cricut I have wanted to try the circle but never got around to it..this would give me the boost I need.
    Thanks for sharing!


    rcj0907 at yahoo dot com

  42. I am already a follower. I'd love to try out the Cricut Circle. It's always been way out of my budget but sounds awesome! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win,
    Cheryl @
    cardsbycg at hotmail dot com

  43. I already "like" you on FB too!

    Thanks again,
    Cheryl @
    cardsbycg at hotmail dot com

  44. Following your blog now!

    I seriously would LOVE to win this! I am addicted to Provo Craft, especially in love with my Cricut! I use it almost daily : )

  45. Fan of your FB page too!

  46. I am already a follower too but let me tell you I so need a pick me up and the circle would do that. I just lost my dad to cancer and my grandmother was 94 and she passed too so it has been a long painful month for me already. Many blessing and if I win.... well that would be great too. Big hugs to Cricut!!!! LOVE my bug.

  47. Three months? WOW, that is added to my prayers list. I would love to become a member of the circle and find out what I am missing. I know I am missing a lot just by seeing those beautiful flowers. Thanks for the chance to win. I am already a follower and also I follow you on FB too!

  48. Wow! That is awesome. I already follow your blog:-)

    Tammy dot schmitt at mac dot com

  49. I'm a FB stalker now, too! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    tammy dot schmitt at mac dot com

  50. i'm already a follower.. but i'm not a circle member.. i would LOVE to win since i've been wanting to join but money has been so tight lately.. thanks for the chance to win!
    sweetlilscrapper at hotmail dot ca

  51. already a follower thanks for the chance to win
    Dawn RI

  52. Im also a FB fan. Thanks
    Dawn RI

  53. I would love a membership to the circle! I would've joined but didn't have the money for it. I'd love to get project inspiration from circle memebers and be able to play along in circle challenges. Enjoy your flowers and thankd for sharing!

  54. I'm already a follower of your blog and FB page. I love seeing your projects and hunting down your finds! Thanks!

  55. Hi Michelle, I'm a follower of your blog and a FB fan of your site! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Julie L.
    jlearned at charter dot net

  56. I would love to try out Cricut Circle. What a fun giveaway! Thanks again!

    Julie L.
    jlearned at charter dot net

  57. OMG... if my son were to compare the circle to something he likes it would be to the Holy Grail in Indian Jones... I would so love to be a part of the Circle. I love my cricut and every day I learn new and exciting ways to use it... and cartridges... well if I could, I would have them all!!! What a great giveaway!

  58. So exciting! The flowers are so pretty! My mom gifted me a quarterly circle membership which is almost over so I would love to extend it another 3 months!!! Thanks for the chance to win!
    ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com

  59. I am a facebook fan!!
    ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com

  60. I am already a follower:-) I would enjoy the circle message board. I had a quick preview of it when they were letting us all see it and it looked so awesome!!
    ikennic at q dot com

  61. I would like to meet more people that love the Cricut like I do. The cartridges would be great too but I am more interested in meeting other people.
    jrredrose21 at yahoo dot com

  62. Holy mackeral! What a wonderful gift! I would love to be in the Circle because I draw great inspiration from all things Cricut. To be part of this wonderful group of Cricut fans would be an honor. Thanks for the chance.

    Happy Scrappin'

    Sue B
    Suenj99 at yahoo dot com

  63. I am a follower of your FB page too :) And so glad I am.

    Happy Scrappin'

    Sue B
    Suenj99 at yahoo dot com

  64. I keep hinting to my husband that this would be a perfect Mother's Day gift! I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance :)

    kperlic at hotmail dot com

  65. I'm a follower!! I would love to be in the circle!! Was too costly at the time and I couldn't join. I love all the carts and extra inspiration.
    thanks for the chance to win
    reissfam10 at aol dot com

  66. I am also one of your many followers on FB and your blog. Would appreciate a chance to be in the inner circle and previe to all the special deals & ideas the circle has to offer.

    Happy Mother's Day!

  67. I've become a follower of your blog now. Thanks for the chance to win 3 free months in the "Circle". I've wanted to join the Circle for so long. I would love to be inspired by such talented artists that are in the Circle. To be among them would be a privilege. I could not afford the fee at the time they offered it up to new members. Thanks again for the chance to win.


  68. I joined your Facebook page too! Thanks for the extra chance to win!!


  69. awesome Michelle, how cool!

  70. I'm a follower and a fan :)

    cutecardsbyjamie at yahoo dot com

  71. I've been a FB follower, but just joined your blog. I would like to win the 3 month Circle Membership just to see firsthand what it is all about! Thanks for the chance.....and Happy Mother's Day!

  72. What an awesome gift from PC to you. A gift that keeps giving, is the best kind! I would be most appreciative to win a circle membership..I love all their products! I just bought my Cricut Expression 2 and LOVE IT! Those paper flowers are my Saturday project for a friend in the hospital that can not have real flowers in her room! Thanks for sharing the pictures, I am inspired! Happy Mother's Day! And THANK YOU & PC

  73. I am a follower on face book, Love all the very pretty things you come up , thank you for sharing. and would love to check out the cricut circle,

  74. Oh wow! The flowers are very cute and the giveaway is even "cuter"! lol I want to win this SO bad. I can't afford to join the circle but would LOVE to be a part of it! Thanks for the chance!
    sweetheartcopper at msn dot com

  75. I "like" you on facebook too! Happy Mother's day! :)
    sweetheartcopper at msn dot com

  76. I am a follower. Can't really afford to join and would love to be a part for 3 months.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  77. Just began following your blog and cannot wait to look around some more! As far as the Circle goes - I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win a 3 month membership! I have been trying to find some "extra money" (whatever that is right??) to join but so far no luck!

  78. WOW Michelle this is great! I would love it if they'd let us current circlets use it to extend our membership.. I don't think I can live without the circle!

  79. I debated about getting my Circle membership for a bit, but decided to go for it in March. Just like following your blog, it has changed the way I use my cricut. When I got my Cricut E last July finding your blog changed it from being a bread box with a motor in it to something I could use and make wonderful things with! You really stepped up my game! And, while I'm glad to have you as a friend I have longed for some nearby craft buddies. Since I have become a Circle Member I have met at least a dozen local crafters through the Message Board and events. I appreciate the chance to win one of these memberships, so I may share it with someone else! But, I REALLY think it is wonderful club and very thoughtful for you to share it with others!

  80. I'd love a chance to see first-hand what the Circle is all about! As the owner of an original Cricut, an Expression, the E2 and an Imagine I'd love to network and use all my bugs to their fullest potential. Thanks for the chance to win and Happy Mother's Day!

  81. I would love a trial membership to see if I want to make a bigger commitment. Thanks for thie chance.

  82. I am already a follower and I would love to win this awesome gift to get a chance to see what the circle is all about. Thanks Provo Craft and Michelle.

  83. I've joined your Facebook page. I would love for you to join mine also at:!/pages/Sweet-Peas-Card-Creations/175012202550550

  84. I am blog and FB follower! Thank you for the chance to join the Circle. I would love to be a part of the Circut Circle. I have been looking and looking at it and hoping to be a part of it someday.

  85. That is awesome! The flowers are so pretty too! Why I would like to be a part of the circle? I would love it just for the exposure to all the talent that is part of that group! So much to learn! Thanks for the chance! I am already a follower.
    Esigmon at cox dot net

  86. I am of course a follower/stalker on Facebook. Okay, did I win yet...

  87. Why I would like to be a part of the circle? to be inspired by such talented artists that are in the Circle.

  88. I just signed up for your blog and Facebook! I would love to win a 3 month membership to Cricut Circle. I am new to the cricut world and am hooked! I love it and have been having a blast with it. It would be great to learn from other addicts :)

  89. I am already a follower, your blog is great! :) What a generous prize. I would love to be part of the Cricut Circle. I have always loved scrapbooking and papercrafting. The cricut circle would be an amazing gift to receive. There are so many talented crafters out there that I would love to learn from and would be so appreaciative of they're knowledge and time. I truly enjoy just crafting and I am teaching my four and five year old now how to make cards and homemade gifts. It's so rewarding to see my kids make something themselves to give to a friend. They are always so proud of their creations. Another great thing would be the exclusive cartridges you are able to get! The thing I would most look forward to would be the swarms and meet ups. I would love to meet more people who are into my hobby just as much as I am. I also liked you on Facebook. :)

  90. I would love to be able to join in the celebration of the circle club to see what it's all about! Thanks Michelle and Provo Craft for the chance! :)
    majelica at comcast dot net

  91. I'm already a follower of your wonderful blog, and now also a follower on your fb page! Happy Mother's Day Michelle! :)
    majelica at comcast dot net

  92. I am already a follower; I love your blog. I would love to win a circle membership to get one of the cool exclusive cartridges.

  93. I am already a follower. I would love to have the 3 month membership to see what it's all about.

  94. I also follow you on facebook!

  95. I love love love your site Michelle! What an awesome giveaway! I would love to be part of the circle but haven't committed the money yet... I would love to join the circle! I love your facebook page too!


  96. I've been following you on Facebook and I just now started to follow your blog, even though I always check it out through your facebook. :) I would love to join the Cricut Circle because I feel so out of the loop! Money has been a factor for medical reasons, but one day! :) <3

  97. Michelle,

    I would so love to win. i am a member but can't afford to renew this time and will be getting kicked out on monday. I love the circle ladies they are so sweet

    quiltofhope at aol dot com

  98. I would love to win this prize so I can give it to my BFF! I am already a Circle member and love the inspiration there. The Circle Blog is the first thing I check every day...and in love the monthly Circle magazine. It's so inspiring.


  99. WOW! This is fantastic. I know exactly the person I would gift! Thank you so much for the opportunity. LOVE those flowers!
    Diania ddair

  100. First of all, what gorgeous flowers! That is a treat for you so close to your b-day! I have been a follower who enjoys all the inspiration and lovely projects you share. I'd love the gift because I enjoy my Cricut Expression and would love to learn even more ideas and tricks of the machine. Thank you for the chance to experience what the "circle" has to offer.
    Mama LoveBug from LoveBug Creations
    pam_lash at yahoo dot com

  101. I am a fan of your facebook page.


    quiltofhope at aol dot com

  102. I have been following you on FB and your blog for a few months now. Would LOVE to win this great prize. I have wanted and thought about joining Circle for a while but the cost is a little scary so the 3 months free would give me the chance to check it out and I am sure fall in love and then join it!!!

    Thanks and Happy National Scrapbook Day.

  103. Wow, thanks for this great opportunity! I sometimes feel overwhelmed with ideas (and filled with doubt) and not able to actually put a design together. I believe the Cricut Circle will give me the inspiration and the confidence to actually kick start my crafting.

  104. I'm not a Circle member and could love to give it a try. Thanks so much for a chance to win.

    stacy at TotallyTwistedCards dot com

  105. I would love to win a Cricut Circle Membership so that I could get some of the exclusive cartridges! Thanks again for all the great ideas!

  106. I would love to win this because I just love the Cricut and want to explore all that's out there. Thank you.

    I'm already a follower.

    dietzrobles at yahoo dot com

  107. My Circle quarterly membership just expired. I really enjoyed Cricut Circle and all the useful ideas. However, I am unable to sign on for another quarter right now because I have nursing school to finish paying for and two mouths to feed. I would LOVE to continue being a member.

  108. thanks for the opportunity i would love to get in the circle since i have my cricut my life is different would love meeting other people that like me love their cricut and im a fan on fb already!!!

  109. thanks for the opportunity i would love to get in the circle since i have my cricut my life is different would love meeting other people that like me love their cricut and im a fan on fb already!!!

  110. I would love to win a membership to the cricut circle. I would definetely get more involved on the discussion board and challenges and I would love to see what discounts are offered. THanks for sharing this great opportunity!

  111. I have "liked" your facebook fan page for months and love seeing your updates. =)

  112. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I signed up for a quarterly membership in March and love the circle. I am currently out on medical leave from work after surgery and the circle has really helped keep my mind off the pain. I am hoping I will win so I can continue to be a part of the circle. Thanks for the chance!

  113. I'm already a follower and I have already "liked" your FB page.
    I would love to win because I just got my Expression and I'm a total newbie. I would love to be a part of the Cricut Circle to learn about all of the wonderfu things you can do with it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  114. I am a follower already and I have liked your facebook page, I would love to win because I love my cricut and I think I could learn more from the circle!

  115. Boy would it be fun to join for 3 months. I have oodles of reward points and would love to see what other items they offer to circle members!

  116. I follow your blog and would love to win a Cricut Circle member for 3 months. Times are tough right now and I've wanted to join for a long time. I make cards and gifts for everyone at our church and new ideas is just what I need. Thanks for your great site and the chance to win.!

  117. Oh I would LOVE to be in The Circle!! ;-) The exclusive carts, the points, AND so much more!! What a great give away!

  118. Already a follower on FB! But thanks for the chance to win this AMAZING prize!

  119. Would love to win this:-) thanks so much for the opportunity:-)
    Creativestamperspot@gmail dot come

  120. I'm already a facebook fan:-)
    Creativestamperspot@gmail dot com

  121. I'd love to win. Great giveaway. I'm a follower. I'd love to win since I need the help I can get. annadowdy at gmail dot com

  122. I am already a follower but would love the chance to enjy the circle.. Thanks so much. Happy Mother's Day!!!

  123. I'm a follwer. I would love to win this giveaway. More so because we can give it to someone we love. Being that I am so "BROKE" and it is Mother's Day. I would LOVE to give it to the "BEST" cousin on earth. Because of her I have found this new passion in my heart. Even if I don't have the space to scrap at times. Just by going thru blogs like this one fills my heart with so much love and joy. I wish everyone lots of luck but I really hope I win. We all deserve it:-) Happy Mother's Day e1.

  124. I'm already a fan of your facebook page does that count? :) Happy National Scrapbooking day and thanks for the chance to win this membership! I'd love to be part of the circle!

  125. Happy Mother's Day to my Amazing CA Girlfriend!! What a wonderful opportunity to JOIN the CIRCLE wow I would be DREAMING SWEET DREAMS if I am chosen one of the three!!! No matter what I am extremely blessed to have met you Michelle and learn from your talent and friendship...Already a follower and stalker on here and FB...Have a wonderful weekend!! Blessings Robin

  126. What a great giveaway. I'm a follower now thanks for the chance.

    Happy Mothers Day........

  127. Post #130 forgot to put my e-mail.

    mreyes2710 at gmail dot com

  128. Michelle what a great giveaway! I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to be a circle member. I'm already a follower. There's always room for inspiration and new cricut friends and I certainly do need a little more inspiration! Thanks Michelle and Provocraft!

  129. What a wonderful giveaway! I just became a follower! I would love to be a circle member to get ideas as I am new to scrapping!!!!!

  130. I would LOVE a membership to the Circle! I really would like to be able to visit the Circle Message Board! There are so many reasons it would be great to win. I am now a follower! Thanks for the chance. go-go on cricut mb.
    jacobsonbruce at sbcglobal dot net

  131. I just likes you on facebook. Thanks for the extra chance to win this AWESOME prize!
    go-go on cricut mb
    jacobsonbruce at sbcglobal dotnet

  132. I would absolutley love to be a cricut circle member. I've been contemplating joining, this win would be a perfect way for me to "try" it out. Congrats on getting to share this with the world, Cricut has brought a lot of people together with their machines from all over the world! Thank you for sharing.

  133. I've been a fan of your facebook page for months now. I enjoy seeing your ideas. KRicketts is my cousin, I wish I was with you guys the on your crop nights. Thanks for the second chance to win!

  134. I would love to be a cricut circle member as I really want the exclusive dance cartridge!! My daughter danced for 10+ years and I have yet to start her album! I have become a follower of your blog!

  135. I have been following you on Facebook for a couple of months I think now and have really enjoyed seeing your work!

  136. I am a follower of your blog and I love your work. I would love to join the circle for the challenges and also to interact with people that are as Cricut addicted as me!

    amanbains1 at gmail dot com

  137. I have been your fan on facebook for a long time!

    amanbains1 at gmail dot com

  138. I would love to be in the Winner's Circle! I learn so much from all of you and would love the additional inspirations! I am a follower of your blog and fb.. I thought I was on your fb and realized that while I was hacking my hubby's account I had him follow you! hahaha

  139. I am already a Cricut circle member and probably would estend my membership.
    Katsews at gmail dotcom

  140. I would love love so much to have the oppertunity to be in the cricut circle for 3months. Please consider me. Thanks so much. I have been a fb fan for some time now I love seeing what's new on there everyday. Keep up the great job. Thanks again. Sherry

  141. Thanks for the chance to win a the 3 month circle opportunity. I'd love to win also, The circle cartridges are so beautiful. I'd sure like to see what is all within the Cricut Circle. Thanks again. And thanks for all the very cretive and beautiful things yo've made and shared with us. So creative!

  142. Oh How sweet of PC!!!!!
    I would love to give the circle a 3 month try......I hear good things about it, so it would be GREAt to have the chance to try it out!!!!
    brodiec88 at hotmail dot ocm

  143. Just signed up to follow your blog, and would love the opportunity for a 3 month membership. I have had an expressions, but have not really used it to it's fullest extent and think the circle membership can show me how! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  144. would love the opportunity to win! I have an original and a gypsy. tfs Tami

    Tambo's Creations

  145. Id love to win because it would be great to have crafty friends to meet up with, extra motivation and discounts. Thanks for the chance!!!

  146. Im a happy Fan of yours on FB, Thanks!!!

  147. I'd like to win so I can learn more about my Cricuts capabilities & for the exclusive carts!! I follow your blog & like youre FB page. I just got the E2 & will br giving my hardly used Expression to my son's school...I cant wait to see their faces :)

  148. I would love, love, love to win this! I would love to be able to get even more ideas for things to create with my Expression and my E2 when it comes on the 16th! The exclusive carts would be great, too!

  149. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  150. I just became a follower of your blog.

  151. I just became a follower of your blog using my email addy.

  152. I would love to win so that I could be like you and Candace and know all the wonderful things Provocraft is up to early. I'm a follower here and Facebook :)

  153. Now a follower :) I have always loved scrapbooking and crafting but don't think I am particularly good at it. I need as much help and inspiration as I can get so that maybe, just maybe I can catch up! LOL

  154. What a great give away!!!

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. I'm already a fan on facebook!

  157. What a fun giveaway and a great way to make Mother's Day special for a few mommies out there! I love all of the great projects you share with us, you are very talented! I would love to check out the circle membership to see what it's really about before I can consider joining it. Plus I know I would be inspired by the creativity of the circle members. Thanks for the opportunity!

  158. after attending the Cricut Stampede in Frisco, TX earlier this yr as a non cricut member I realized what a tight group of ladies they are. I would love to join in the fun they are having!!!

  159. What a great giveaway! I have always wanted to join the circle but wasn't sure 100% and this would give me the chance to decide. Thanks for the chance and I am already a follower!
    booger1 at

  160. I am already a follower. I would love to win a 3 month membership to see what is available to the circle members. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Kerry~Momma K

    kerrysmith at rogers dot com

  161. Congrats Michelle! Stefani told me about this on our shopping trip yesterday. I am so happy you received these and I'm so happy I have a chance to win one. Thanks for sharing these with us!

  162. Congrats Michelle! Great giveaway

  163. Joining the circle has been something I have wanted to do but, it has not been in the budget since I have a child in college and another headed there next year. I really would love to have the opportunity to experience what I have been missing and hopefully if it is something I can not live without I will then find a way to make it work past the 3 months your are generously offering. Thanks for the chance to win!!!


  164. Beautiful flowers! I'm a new follower to your blog and would love to win a 3month membership to cricut circle! I think it would be great to get to see what all the amazing members create and get some inspiration for my scrapbook layouts! Thanks for the chance
    gayle_shrader at yahoo dot com

  165. I joined your facebook page!
    Thanks for teh chance to win the circle membership!
    gayle_shrader at yahoo dot com

  166. I am a follower of your blog and also of your FB page. I hope that gives me 2 entries. I would love to become a circle member to get exclusive cartridges and other privileges. I am becoming more familiar with Cricut and other Provo Craft products...I love everything about them. Thank you for the opportunity to possibly becoming a circle member.

  167. Thank you for posting this on the Cricut MB. I am now a follower and can't wait to explore your blog. I would love to try out the Circle. I miss many friends since they moved over to the Circle. Who knew money would go for food and GAS. Which has made it impossiable to join. I mean who need to eat or go anywhere when you can create with Circut, blog hop and get inspired to craft?

  168. Thank you for two chances to win the Circle membership..
    I just hopped over to your FB page and joined.

  169. I'm now following your blog. I would love to try out the circle to get more ideas and see what the circle is all about :)

    thanks for the chance.

    baby.cowgirl88 at yahoo dot com

  170. I just became on follower on your blog. Thanks for the chance to win a Circle membership. I have had a cricut since when they first came out and would love to be a part of the Circle to get new and creative ways for scrapbooking and cards.

    thanks for the chance again


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!