Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Candy Corn Sticks !

Happy Fall Everyone !!!

Wouldn't these be so cute for your child's class or for you to pass out to co-workers??? I'm now taking orders for these, and some are ready to ship now! They are $1.50 apiece (shipping not included) and hold approximately 12 candy corns per bag.

 **You can click on the picture to enlarge it **
I can also customize them to just about any theme if you need some for a birthday or special occasion. Candy corn can be substituted for skittles or M&M's as well. Just email me at michelle@scrappinwithmybug.com

These measure approximately 8" high



  1. Absolutely adorable!!! I just wish my son's preschool allowed unwrapped treats (can't be out of original store packaging) so I could get these for his classmates :(. Where did you find the little plastic bags? Are those the pretzel rod type bags? www.kerripowell.blogspot.com

  2. I love candy corn my favorite and these are so cute I would not know what to~do with myself.. eat or not to eat...
    The Scrapbooking Queen

  3. These are sooo cute.!! Great job.

  4. these are super duper cute great job Michelle love ummmm my favorite fall candy too
    Hugs Debbie :)

  5. these are soooooo cute!!!


  6. LOVE IT!!!
    Sherrie K

  7. What cartridge are the candy corn's from? I am trying to make some of the candy corn sticks but am having lots of trouble getting my E2 to cut with my Gypsy. Trying to find a cartridge I have that is not imprisoned in my Gypsy that has a cute halloween cut. LOL I tried the Jack-O-Lantern on Gypsy Wanderings but don't know how to change the blade settings with the Gypsy connected. Darn thing.
    cstephenson at q dot com


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