Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Jaded Blossom Release Day 3

So Monday was Halloween, yesterday Thanksgiving....
today were back to Halloween !!!
Jaded Blossom is releasing 2 more Halloween sets called Best Witches and Halloween Poop
I used the Best Witches set, along with the Jaded Blossom's 3x4 treat bags !!!
The skull is on a wobble and I used glossy accents in the eyes.
The twine is the new Gray Licorice from Trendy Twine

I also used a drippy goo punch to make it look like blood ☺
The mints I found in San Francisco at a candy store.

I also want to share a card my daughter Lily made with this set.
The witch, and sentiment is from Best Witches and she also used the NEW flag die with our previous die as well !!!
it was easy to make and im glad that it turned out .lily
Thanks so much for checking out my project!
Be sure to go to Jaded Blossom to see what the rest of the DT has made
AND see these two entire stamp sets !!!
Entry for the Wobble Wednesday Challenge ♥


  1. Love the Skull. I swear you find the most interesting Candies.

    Love Lily's card, she has a Great Eye for design. Even her coloring looks amazing, she even knows how to shadow. Great Job Lily.

  2. Both cards are awesome!! It is so neat that your daughter wants to play with paper right along with you!

  3. Great treat bag! I love Lily's card. She did an amazing job coloring! :0)

  4. the treat bag is adoable, lily did an awesome job on her card

  5. These are great, I really like the drippy goo punch!!

  6. Very cute!! Lily's card is adorable! She is so creative!

    Kim :)

  7. I love this! The drippy blood is a nice touch!

  8. Now that's a little creepy...but super cute. Great work on the treat bag...mints...hmmm!

    Both are spootakular!

    Have a great week!
    Dee B

  9. Yeah, yeah, you know this is sooooooooo awesome! Great job!! Thanks for joining us for the Wobble Wednesday Challenge! Hope you’ll join us again this week :O)

    Jenny – Action Wobble DT


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!