Thursday, October 11, 2012

Peachy Keen Color Challenge

Hi Everyone !!!
Its a new weekly challenge over at Peachy Keen !!
This week is a color challenge, so I used all the colors from the photo,
I absolutely love the bright but jewel tones this was soooo me !!!
I used a free cut file from SVG Cutting files for the Butterfly, and a card base from My Scrap Chick.
Of course I used a new Peachy Keen face from PK-145 Piles of Smiles and the sentiment from PKSC-02 Feb 2012 Stamp of the Month
Also used Echo Park paper, a Jaded Blossom die and twine from the Twinery.
I'm sure your asking why would I make so many ???
 Well Its really hard to shop for my mom, so I have decided when I make a card to make several of them to put in a box for her as a gift. She loves to send cards to people and what a better gift then something handmade that she can send to others.

Please join us this week for a fun color challenge and to see the photo inspiration
please visit us at


  1. OH SNAP!! These are JUST AS SWEET AS CAN BE! Love em, Michelle!!
    Big Hugs and Tons of Love!

  2. Those little butterflies are so cute! Wonderful birthday cards!

  3. These are so cute that I can't sit still. I super love 'em. Love the cuts and the papers and the colors.

    Be blessed, Beckie

  4. omg these are soooo beautiful

  5. Your butterfly is so sweet. You rocked the color challenge!

  6. Awww!! This is so cute!!
    I LOVE this little butterfly!!
    Awesome Gift idea!!
    Take Care!!
    Jennie @


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!