Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Abby's Surprise Birthday Hop !!

Hi Everyone and Welcome to
Abby's Mexican Inspired Surprise BirthdayHop !!!

Abby is a good friend to the ladies in this hop and also a former Jaded Blossom designer
SO we thought what a better way than to make things that she LOVES !!!
Please read the entire post to find out how to enter our giveaway!
For my project I made her a notepad and matching pen set
(so she can write me all kinds of sappy letters) lol
I used a SVG file called "Mexico" from SVG Cutting Files
 For the little Mexican girl and made her dress the colors of the flag for Mexico
I also used spell binders for the ovals
and Abby's favorite patterned paper from Echo Park

I also made a beaded pen for her in matching paper

Curious on how to make the pen? I have a video here showing you how

So lets talk about the prize !!
To enter to win leave a comment on each blog in the hop
winner will be chosen at random
for an additional entry please like and say that your coming from this hop on Jaded Blossom's facebook page HERE
The prize is the Mexican Food stamp set from Jaded Blossom
Next up is my partner in crime
Here is the complete line up in case you get lost ~


  1. I love surprise birthday hops!! Super awesome of you ladies!! Love the pen & pad... I'm totally going to make these one day for someone :) Happy Birthday Abby!!

  2. super cute pen and pad, love the colors.

  3. Oh my!!! You're always making the cutest things. Can't wait to try these ideas. WOWZERS on the pen. So very nice of you all to have this hop for Abby's Bday. YAY!

    Be blessed, Beckie

  4. I loveee this project...and this is a set of your stamps I don't have...would love to win them =)

  5. This is an awesome idea!! Happy birthday Abby!! (:

  6. Really nice card and fun new hop! I thank you for sharing. Happy New Year!

  7. Super cute gift.Thanks for the pen tutorial. Have to give it a try.

  8. great Bday present for her!! thanks for inviting me to participate, now if she would just hurry up and see it!! lol

  9. So sweet of you doing this surprise hop. Happy birthday to Abby.
    http:// NeatNook. blogspot. com
    contact@ NeatThings-Boutique dot com

  10. Just opened my computer in three days!! and I AM SOOOOOOO HAPPPPPY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU so much!!! I LOVE the notepad and of course the paper you used!!!!!!!!!

    Off to see the rest of the ladies!

    Thank you again Michelle!!!!!

  11. That doll is sooo cute!!!! Happy BDay Big Sis... what a lovely surprise!!

  12. Abby will love this!! Perfect gift! :0)

  13. Love the pen set. I am definitely going to try this. Abby happy Birthday!

  14. Love this! That girl looks so cute on there!

  15. Pretty, I love the paper you used. This will make an awesome gift.

  16. What a great idea. This notepad with the little senorita is so cute! Thanks for sharing your art.


  17. Your board and pen are so adorable!

  18. this is such a great idea Happy Birthday Abby.

  19. Great dressed up note pad. I love it. so colourful.x

  20. Your note pad is so cute. I am now saving to get a shilloute so I can cut svg files. I am going to try making one of your pens soon.

  21. Thanks for the heads up never knew that stuff any existed!


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!