Monday, October 28, 2013

Halloween Party treats !!!

Hi Everyone!!
Just wanted to share what I was up to this weekend !!!
My daughters classes have "party's" each holiday where parents all bring a treat and the kids get to eat, do crafts and play games!!
So I was in charge of bring the "sweet" item so I made chocolate covered pretzel rods !
I made 81 total !!!!
Some were made with sprinkles for the Kindergarten class and the M&M ones for my other daughters 3rd class, plus staff and some for the ladies at the post office ♥
I put them in individual bags, tied ribbon at the bottom and used fun plastic rings and put them on there too, something fun the kids can have after they are done eating !!

These are some of the supplies I used!
When making chocolate treats, truffles etc... I always use Almond Bark in a double boiler, it melts nice and sets up so much thinker and nicer then melting chocolate!

Hope you enjoyed seeing the treats I made for the school !!! 


  1. Michelle...I am on my way over! These are SO yummy lookin'! They turned out fabulous and sure it will be a hit for the kiddo's! TFS!
    Sherrie K

  2. Gosh, those kids and everyone that get's this is so Lucky. These are beyond Awesome.

  3. These look so good! Bravo for making so many :)


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