Thursday, January 1, 2015

I Dig You !!

First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!
Ok enough of that its time to start thinking Valentines Day ! HAHHAHA
So to kick off this New Year I made some cute Valentine Treats perfect for a boy or girl !
I used the NEW File from SVG Cutting Files called Back Ho (available in the store tomorrow)

I used the Jaded Blossom
Scallop and Slider Die, 3x4 bags and
the stamp set Here's the Scoop !

Hope you enjoyed my project today !!!
Valentines Day will be here before you know it !


  1. Awww.. these are the best ho's! Happy New Year!!! These are super cute!

  2. this is so cute, I really dig it! hehe

  3. So fun! Love the backho and fun topper!
    Sherrie K

  4. Everything you make is soooo cute, I love the new V-Day Puppies, I wish I could afford a SVG cutting machine. t
    Thanks for sharing your creativity!


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!