Wednesday, October 21, 2015

SAT ~ Megan ~

Hi and welcome to Day #1 of Stamp Anniething's October release!  
This release is all about being a Hipster and trendy, so without further ado, here is.....

How stinking cute is Megan
She comes with a separate pair of "nerdy" glasses you can mask and stamp off to add to her (or any of Chibi Kid Line!). How cool, umm I mean hip, is that?

Megan will be available in the store FRIDAY along with the other 2 stamps we show you for you this week!!

Here is what I created with the new Megan Stamp!

With the NEW Megan stamp I used several products from 
Jaded Blossom including

Scallop Circle Dies
Card Mat Dies
Mini Tag Dies 2
Sweet Travels (sentiment)

My daughter Poppy wanted to make a card.... so she colored Megan also and put together this card ( I helped her with the bigshot) but she did the rest and picked the colors etc...

Stamps will be available in the STORE on FRIDAY

Thanks for joining us for our October Release
 and have a great day!


  1. I really LOVE your card! Tell Poppy that her card is awesome!!

  2. Cute, cute, cute cards! Looks like you have a DT manner in the making!

  3. *member* ... I hate auto correct! :P

  4. Super cute stuff, Poppy did a FABBY job!!


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!