Saturday, November 7, 2015

Poppy's Jack Skellington Party !

Hi Everyone !

Just wanted to show you my daughters Jack Skellington party I threw for her !!!

Here's the goody table !

The banner I used Jaded Blossom wine tag die, Halloween dies
and SVG Cutting Files build a banner

Close up of the table !

Jack Cookies made by my friend Candace !

Sixlet sticks using Jaded Blossom 1x8 bags !

Jars I found at Target filled with candy !
I used my Cameo to create a print and cut top !

Cool candles that flicker I found at Michael's tied ribbon around them and used on all the tables !

Cupcake toppers I made using Jaded Blossom Stitched Circle dies and Scallop circle dies

The cupcakes were from Cupcake Magic a gourmet cupcake shop, she put Oreo's in the bottom with Oreo cake, and creme icing topped with crushed Oreo's!
I served it with of course Oreo ice cream !

Poppy is Oreo crazy ! lol

All the Jack and Sally files were Free from a past hop I participated in, and are no longer available

Here is my hubby drawing Zero because Poppy wanted to play pin the pumpkin nose on Zero as a game !

I cut pumpkins from SVG Cutting Files to use,
 the kids thought it was super fun !!!

thanks so much for stopping by and checking out her birthday party !


  1. Wow, what an incredible birthday party! Way to go mom (and dad)!!

  2. Fabulous birthday party. The kids would love this.

  3. That is super cute, love everything! your husband did an awesome job with the drawing.

  4. This is just amazing you did a wonderful job!!

  5. I love the name trays, where did you get it?


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