Monday, April 4, 2016

Teriyaki Turkey with Spaghetti Squash

Hi Everyone !!

Yes, yes I know this is a crafting blog !

But I will also be sharing recipes on here that are WHOLE 30 friendly.
If you have no clue what I'm talking about its teaching you to eat whole non processed foods.

I LOVE it !! its hard, I'm not gonna lie but by week 2 I sleep better, I have more energy etc.
You can find out the whole program free at
There is NO counting calories, points which I really like, no program to buy or pay for its just eating HEALTHIER!!! 

So there was a recipe I found online that was similar to this but I have changed several things so this is my

and just so you know I HATE vegetables ! I would of never dreamed of eating squash ! I had no clue that I wouldn't even be able to taste it, it seriously takes on the taste of whatever you serve it with ! 
It's AMAZING I'm eating vegetables !!!

2 lbs of Lean Ground Turkey
5-6 cloves of garlic pressed
Carrots (you can find this in a bag too cut and ready)
Broccoli and Cabbage (I use the one in a bag already cut and ready)
1 cup of Coconut Aminos (see pic below)
A whole Spaghetti Squash

Before cooking the Turkey cut the Spaghetti Squash in half , remove the seeds and place face down on a plate. Put in the microwave for 10 minutes. While that is cooking prepare the Turkey...

In a pan I brown the Turkey with a little Olive oil and pepper, while its cooking I press the garlic cloves and add those, when its almost brown I add the Carrots, Cabbage and Broccoli. 
(no i don't measure them I just toss in till it looks good lol)

When its all browned i drain any excess water from my pan from the turkey, then put back on the burner.

Then I add the Coconut Aminos and let simmer for several minutes,
This is a picture of what I use its SUPER yummy!
(I buy mine from Bel Air and Raleys)

You can cut the recipe in half, add veggies you like or use more Aminos if you love the taste (which I do)

If you have never cooked Spaghetti Squash before its super easy ! When its done in the microwave simply take a fork and shred the insides (looks like spaghetti) !

Hope you enjoyed the recipe!


  1. YUM! I'm totally going to try this!

  2. Looks delicious!! It looks very similar to the recipe I make! We LOVE spaghetti squash! I am not familiar with your seasoning but sound so interesting~ I will be checking out the grocery stores for that! Thanks for sharing~yum!
    Sherrie K

  3. TFS, going to try this.. yummm

  4. I've heard the coconut aminos taste just like soy sauce, which we use a lot in our cooking and should probably reduce due to the sodium content. I've been afraid to try it because I'm afraid it will taste like coconut, and I can't stand coconut. Can you taste it at all??? And do you think it compares to soy sauce? And if so, which brand of soy sauce were you used to using?


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!