Friday, September 29, 2017

Hop Through Time Blog Hop ~

Let's do the Time Warp Again!  
(ok so techincally not again since this is our first!)
Welcome to our Hop Through Time Blog hop!

 This hop is ONLY for 24 hours and will end  PROMPTLY at 11:59 PST TONIGHT!

This hop is set up DIFFERENTLY then ones in the past, so please read accordingly.
1- Make sure to be a FOLLOWER on each stop along this hop.  There are 12 in total. 
Learn more about HOW TO FOLLOW A BLOG by clicking HERE
2- Leave a comment on each blog to show some love for the inspiration you have just seen! Remember 12 stops, so that means 12 comments in total! 
Learn more how to LEAVE A COMMENT by clicking HERE

THERE IS NO REQUEST FILES form on this hop.
Each project contains the link to the store with the files used on their projects. SOME files are FREE for today ONLY....  There are 3 free files during this hop, with the others being DEEPLY discounted for TODAY ONLY!  (prices will return to normal at end of hop) This will be the new platform for our hops moving forward. *********************************************
**Kindly remember that all our hop files abide by our TERMS OF USE
You can read all about our BLOG HOPS and how to participate HERE
And now for my project! 

I created a fun gift and treat bag !

I used the Jaded Blossom

Ticket Book Die
Gift Card Die
Music to My Ears
Tropical Flower Dies

For the Bag I used the file Dance Fever from SVG Cutting Files.

Next up is GIGI !!!

Did you lose your way? 
Our little line up here will help you out!


  1. Love the colors and the Saturday night fever couple.

  2. That is soooo CUTE! Reminds me of the movie Saturday Night Fever! So FUN!


  3. I love this, it reminds of "Dance Fever" with John Travolta. I was really young but I remember watching that movie in the late 70's or early 80's.

  4. How adorable!!! Loving their dance moves!!!

  5. I was thinking more, like grease, but I never watched Saturday night fever. But they are stinking cute.

  6. Love! So cute. Could use for Prom pictures!"Stayin' Alive"

  7. Michelle,
    Adorable gift bag. Those two are rocking the disco dance. Love her dress.

  8. My favorite movie!! :) I this hop!!

  9. What a fun project. Great for an anniversary.

  10. Love this card. I can so see John Travolta in this.

  11. adorable gift bag and perfect for an iTunes gift card!

  12. I love this!!! It is sooooo cute!!!

  13. Bahahaha love this so much... makes me wanna dance... and ummmmm that never, ever happens :)

  14. Disco... I get the theme.... this is going to be fun! ... Disco Duck was a song that played over and over (I grew up in So. Cal) and that is what popped into my head when I saw your creation! (And not John Travolta.. is that weird?) Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Is it just me or does this bag have a young John Travolta vibe, lol. Just an awesome project!

  16. So cool! Such a cute dance couple... they have dance fever.

  17. Very cute. I saw that Saturday Night Fever was on TV the other night!:)

  18. OMG SUPER DUPER CUTE gift bag my friend, Have a GREAT weekend!!! :)

  19. super cute... love them...thanks for sharing

  20. Man does this bring back memories. lol Great job on this bag!

  21. Adorable! Love this bag :)
    Thanks for sharing

  22. Just saw an article about the 40th anniversary of Saturnday Night Fever. These are adorable.

  23. This is super! What a great idea for the file.

  24. I am in love with these adorable dancers! I'm old enough to remember Saturday Night Fever at the movie theater! :)

  25. Really sad I missed the hop, but your bag is adorable and the Fever is perfect!!


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!