Thursday, December 21, 2017

Snowman Poop !

YAY Last Day of School for the year !!!

So that means its Party Day at school !!

I created 30 treats in all for my daughter to pass out to her classmates !

I used the Jaded Blossom

Snowman Poop (sentiment)
Snowman Faces (face and buttons)
Snowman Die (hat and scarf)
Luggage Tag Die

The clear pillow boxes I have had in my craft stash for quite sometime, so finally used them this year! I used Twinery twine to tie around the box!

Thanks for stopping by and MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!


  1. Oh my goodness..this is really CUTE!! Love this!!Awesome job!!
    Merry Christmas!

  2. These treats sure are fun! Happy Holidays!


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