Monday, November 29, 2010

Challenges Oh My !!

With the busy season I decided to combine a few challenges this week !!

First over at the Fantabulous Cricut we are having a super easy challenge to create ANYTHING with a ribbon! How easy is that? Be sure to link up your project by Sunday !!!

The second challenge was over at Peachy Keen whom I am in love with, their challenge was to make a holiday invitation, so I made this for a Christmas neighborhood light party with a quote from my favorite movie "Christmas Vacation".

The third challenge is for the Cricut Circle to incorporate the color black and something recycled.
This invitation/card was created with Jolly Holidays, Christmas Cheer, Stamping, and Create a Critter Cricut cartridges, also used was Peachy Keen Simple Simon and Everyday face stamps .

I used pop dots for the elf and the red backing, I also made the adorable PK faces shimmer on the bulbs with glossy accents !!!! Also and of course I used many different colors of stickles !! Enjoy~


  1. So cute!! Love the elf and the faces on the lights!

  2. Michelle you did a fantabulous job, love that little elf :)

  3. How adorable! That little elf is soooooooooooo cute!!! :)

  4. Michelle this is ADORABLE. Super cute.

  5. Love this little elf, Michelle! He is so cute with his Peachy Keen face.

  6. Such a cute card & so festive.
    Simple Creations

  7. So darn cute. I love the elf. I can't wait to use my Jolly Holidays cart too.

  8. so adorable Michelle! I went crazy looking for that Jolly Holidays and wouldnt ya know, the 3 surrounding Walmarts by me had NONE! AND, only one of them had gotten in the colored E's.... I wasnt able to get one :o( . That Elf is a must have!

  9. Very Elfin' Cute Michelle! Awesome technique on the lights to make them look like twinkle lights. And how clever of you to use a line for a movie. Thank you Michelle once again, for that amazing talent and insperation you are always sharing. Love it!
    Sweet Creations...

  10. Hi Michelle,
    Your elf is the cutest elf ever! Oh, I love how you gave him little glasses and he's stringing lights!! I'm so happy you're creating with us at Peachy Keen Stamps Faces!!

  11. He is so cute!! I love the little light bulbs too =)

  12. very cute! I wouldn't have thought to put glasses on the little elf but he looks so unique with them.

  13. Duuuuuuude, so cute! But every time I think I have all the PKS I want for the moment, I see ANOTHER project of yours that shows me another set I want! Curse you and your enabling!

  14. Ohhh I can not wait for a day off! Jolly Holidays is going to be a all day event. That Elf is cute as can be, PK stamps make him so dog gone adorable! Thanks Michelle for sharing!

  15. So cute! Love all of the faces.

  16. Omg this is the cutest card ever!! I LOVE IT!!!

  17. So cute and the colors are so festive...
    Love it!

  18. So CUTE!!! -Sam :-)

  19. Super cute card Michelle!

    Thanks for palying along with us at the PKD LFIF challenge!

    Ruthie :)

  20. This is such a sweet card and good for you meeting all those challenges! I love all the glitter and stickles you've added!

  21. OH my GOODNESS Michelle!! He is just the sweetest little elf! Simple Simons were my favorite stamp assortment for a long time (Princess faces have now become my "favorite" hehe)!! AND I love Christmas Vacation so thank you for the giggle this morning! Thanks for playing along at the the PKS LFIF challenge! :) ~ Angelica


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!