Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Organizing some Scrap stuff

I have organized a few things in my scrap room from Cuttlebug folders to Cricut cartridges, mats to punches. This is a quick video of my progress and how I organize them. Hopefully it is helpful to somebody...LOL Enjoy~


  1. Love the way you store the Cricut cartridges! I store my stamps in empty cd cases. I have several from my kids stacked in a closet so I recycled them! I cut a 4 1/4 x 4 1/4 piece of cardstock so I could stamp the images of what is inside. I also made 1/4 labels for the spine. I use baskets from the dollar store to store them. If your stamps are mounted, you will need to un-mount them. I put them in the microwave for a few seconds and the glue will heat up and the rubber stamp comes right off. By doing this, I now have 7 baskets ( 5 inches wide and 10 inches long) on a shelf. I too put them in alphabetical order as I am somewhat of a nerd! LOL
    Good luck!!

  2. great video! Love the cricut cartridge storage! I see you are very organized. Impressive!

  3. Wow, that's amazing! Would you like to come over to my house and help me please? LOL I am soooo impressed. I'm also happy b/c now I can show my husband this video and maybe he'll get the point that really, you can NEVER have enough scrapbooking stuff!!! Thanks for that! :0)
    XO ~ Amy Jo

  4. Very nice organizing of your craft stuff... I store my stamp in the clear DVD holders I like that it that way but I still have too many wood mounted stamps..
    The Scrapbooking Queen

  5. Michelle what a great scrap area. A little jealous but its still great lol.

  6. wow !! that was very organize loved ... you did a good job ...

  7. I'm a Cuttlebug embossing folder nerd, too. :-) I don't have room for any of the white storage containers in my scraproom yet, but I've found a Kleenex box is the perfect width to hold my folders. I simply used an empty long Kleenex box and carefully cut off the entire top. It works great! I also labeled the back of my folders using my computer and mailing labels. Like you, I didn't want to add the bulk from a label maker.

    I look forward to hearing what you figure out for stamp organization. Mine are all in a photo box right now.

    ~ JD ~

  8. Great sb room. LOVE it! Love how organized you are!!! :-)
    -Sam :-)

  9. I am going to have to look for that cube, did not see it with the others at micheals. I also store my stamps in cd cases. Has to be the standard jewel, not the slims. I had to buy off ebay, because could not find anywhere. The deal was great, like 100 for 15.00. Someone does clear dvd cases, that would be great too. But I found an old cd case holder, tall stands on its on onn the floor at goodwill for a buck. Stores all my stamps for now at least, need to find another one. I keep all my stamps in there except for peachy keen, that I store in sheet protector (package and all) in a notebook. I keep the Original stamp image on a piece of card stock that is in a notebook alfa by company. That way I can run thru it when looking for something particular, fairly easily.

  10. I love to see different forms of organization! Great video.

  11. I use the Clip it ups for the my stamps (and the cricut books, and my Cuttlebug folders).

    Dawn H.


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