Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jaded Blossom Release Day 3

Hi Everyone !! Its day 3 of sneaks!!!

Today's set is all about chocolate at Jaded Blossom!

I created something sooooo easy and quick! I used a recycled frappuccino bottle
washed it and peeled off the label and filled it with chocolate chips.

Then I used the new Jaded Blossom die and border stamp set revealed on Monday
also the chocolate chip cookies from the "Milk & Cookies" stamp set.

Of course the sentiment is from the new set "Chocolate Lovers" being showcased today!

For the top I used a circle cookie stamp from "Milk & Cookies" it fits PERFECT on these lids I just used a 1 3/4" circle punch to punch it out.

Also another sentiment from the "Chocolate Lovers" set

I love that you can create a cute easy project within minutes!
and LOVE that these stamps and dies easily mix and match!

I also wanted to share a card my daughter made. I had went to town when I came home this was on my desk, with no mess or evidence she had been in there.
That little stinker used my new stamps before I got a chance to play !!!

I love that she added glossy accents to the berry and the berry SEEDS !!
What a smart little girl ♥

Check out the full stamp set and what the rest of the Design team made at Jaded Blossom


  1. So cute...great sentiment! Lee-Ann :)

  2. LOVEEEEE this!!!!!!!!! and where is Lily's strawberry card?!?!? I was expecting that!!!!!

  3. too cute

  4. Very cute! And I love Lily's card. Just let me know when you want me to do a blog design for her :P

  5. She is so cute. Love her card and she did a FAB job on that Strawberry.

  6. Sweet idea of chocolate chips in such a cute bottle.

    marg0006 at verizon dot net


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!