Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jaded Blossom Release Day 4

Ready for the last set before the Jaded Blossom Release and Hop tomorrow ???

Today is all about Monsters! With the sneak of "Monster Mash"

I used the Jaded Blossom flag die, a sentiment from this set and the eyeballs are from this set as well.
The eyeballs were punched with a 3/4" circle punch, and even used one on the Silhouette cut out as well!!

A simple cut from the Silhouette store and a Martha Stewart border punch !

How cool are these eyes on the candy ???
I used the Jaded Blossom  3x4 treat bags too !!!!!!!!!!

Love how Jaded Blossom makes it so simple to make adorable treats!
These will be perfect for school !!!

Don't forget to join us tomorrow for the Release and the Hop at 4pm (PST) !!


  1. LOVE this Michelle! Such an adorable project and awesome stamp set!!

  2. omg this is way tooo cute!!!!

  3. Love it. Your monster looks all freaked out, from taking the candy, LOL

  4. Cute project! Love that monster and punch of course!

    Kim :)

  5. Love these eyes! This set is so great! :0)

  6. What funny monster . The candyis a sweet idea.

    marg0006 at verizon dot net


I ♥ your comments! Thanks !!