Saturday, July 9, 2011

Scrap Blog Hop !!!

Hi Everyone !!! If you just came from Linn's blog then your on the right track !!! If not or you want to start from the beginning click HERE

Its all about recycling our scraps today..... My daughter has a birthday party this weekend so we made signs for the pop up trash cans !

Of course the hot pink is not a scrap but everything else is. I used "Give a Hoot" Cricut cartridge and a Peachy Keen stamp "Bright eyed and bushy tailed"

I got these huge leaf pop ups from ACE Hardware, made the signs and laminated them with my Your Story, then used twine to tie them on. I will of course use drum liners inside the pop ups.


BLOG CANDY? Yes!! Become a follower and leave me a comment and I will give away a handmade vinyl bug head for your machine or your vehicle.

Thanks so much for stopping by! Your next stop is......Laverne


1 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Super fun idea! Already a follower!

2 Brittney said...

I love it.... : )

3 rakiya32 said...

What a wonderful idea!

4 Sugarlips said...

So cute. Those would be awesome to bring to a family reunion to save everything.

i follow by email


5 mjblahnik56 said...

What a creative idea for a party.

6 Susan L said...

These are fantastic. I would have never thought of it! Thanks for sharing it.

Happy Scrappin'

Sue B
Suenj99 at yahoo dot com

7 Daynene said...

Love your "trashy" creations. TFS and thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Great Job

9 Tina said...

What a clever and creative idea! Thanks for sharing!

10 Kim Ricketts said...

Of course its adorable! I am sure it will look great at the party!


11 Patti said...

Michelle, that is an awesome way to recyle and very clever.

12 Unknown said...

Love the cards. TFS. I am a follower.


13 Raven said...

OMG! I am so making these for my girl scouts troop!

14 Judy said...

I tried to become a follower but the link is missing. I will have to come back. Wow, such a well thought out project...great!
jejaeb at cfl dot rr dot com

15 Linda said...

I'm already a follower
iko dot linda at yahoo dot com

16 Madison said...

So cute. I love the saying, "Don't be trashy." Great idea and they better get the idea!! Of course already following because you ROCK!!

17 Ashley Nicole said...

What an awesome idea. The signs are awesome. Great hopping with you.
glamoroussideofscrapping at gmail dot com

18 Dawn, RI said...

Cute idea for a picnic gathering.
Thanks for sharing
Dawn RI

19 Kris Dietz said...

I'm already a follower. Love your projects. TFS.

dietzrobles at yahoo dot com

20 Theresa said...

Cute idea. TFS!

21 Bunnyfreak said...

What a great idea for the party trash.

22 Esther said...

Cute idea!

23 Jamie said...

Very cute signs! Already a follower.


24 Cathy said...

Great idea Michelle, I am a follower already.
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

25 Ellen Jarvis said...

Hey, Michelle ... Such a sweet idea. I think I'm going to get myself a large lidded recycling can JUST for paper scraps -- not to toss, but to use/recycle. I'll make a Cricut sign for it, like you did. SWEET!!

BY THE WAY, I have a question for you. I watched your earlier vid on masking stamps -- LOVE that idea, hadn't seen it before. Can you tell me what kind of ink you use on your PBD stamps? Your image seems so nice and clear, and I heard the "sticky" sound when you applied it. I always have trouble finding the right inkpad. Can you e-mail me to let me know what kind you used in the video so I can try it too?? THANKS, you're a dear!

Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

26 jennyplace2 said...

What a cool ideal! TFS!

27 stitchinpixie said...

What a smart idea and great use of this cartridge!! Just too cute. I have been a follower for a good while.

28 Gina Karas said...

Love your project! I'm a follower by email now.

29 Unknown said...

Awesome idea!
joyfulhrt at gmail dot com

30 joydee1963 said...

already a follower,great project,joydee1963 at yahoo dot com

31 Juliana T said...

I am already a follower. What a cute idea and so practical!

jonder at frontier dot com

32 Carol's Place said...

great idea, I like it

33 Mary D said...

Creative! Like it

34 Shawnee said...

Super cute!

35 Anna said...

So very cute. Just adorable.
I am a follower.
Thanks so much for the chance to win.
annadowdy at gmail dot com

36 Barb said...

The "Don't be Trashy" one is so cute! Good idea laminating them so you can reuse them! I'm already a follower.

bborre at hotmail dot com

37 Crafty Card Gallery said...

Great idea! Like the "don't be trashy!"
Thanks for being in the hop!
craftycardgallery at gmail dot com

38 Judy said...

Another post to let you know I am a follower.
jejaeb at cfl dot rr dot com

39 Unknown said...

I love your project made with scraps. I am a follower and TFS.


40 scraphappyvic said...

Very cute! That's what I love about get so many different ideas! Thanks. Already a loyal follower.

41 Danielle Lee said...

Too cute as usual! Don't you just love the pop up containers? Great for so many things.