Friday, May 29, 2015

Famous Dog Fundraising Blog Hop

This is our Annual Fundraising Blog Hop!
We are asking YOU, our fans, to GIVE BACK on this ONE HOP a year,
 as we give to you ALL YEAR LONG!

This Fundraising hop is to help 5 year old Brad, who has Type 1 Diabetes and is trying desperately to get his "DAD" (Diabetic Alert Dog")

This hop is UNLIKE our other ones.
THE ONLY WAY FOR YOU TO GET FILES is by DONATING to this fundraiser.
There are different levels for all, so that EVERYONE can make some sort of donation.
Here are the LEVELS available, with a VERY SPECIAL offer too!
Did you see what we did there?
For every $25 increment over the initial one, you can earn a PAST BLOG HOP set.
As many of you know, they are LOCKED and UNAVAILABLE once a Hop ends, so this is your
ONLY Chance to get them!!
If you donate enough to qualify for the previous blog hops, we will contact you to ask which one(s) you want.
Here is a link to the PINTEREST board to show you files from those hops 
(please scroll toward the bottom of the page to view)
Here is the list of what hops are available

There are NO forms to fill out, NO validation process. 
Simply make a donation in any amount and we will send the files you "earned" by your donation amount.

 This hop is ends PROMPTLY Saturday May 30th at 11:59 PST TONIGHT!
Make sur to donate to get your files!

We still would LOVE for you to do the following as well!!
1- Be a FOLLOWER on each stop along this hop. 
Learn more about HOW TO FOLLOW A BLOG by clicking HERE
2- Leave a comment on each blog to show some love for the inspiration you have just seen! 
Learn more how to LEAVE A COMMENT by clicking HERE

**Kindly remember that all our hop files abide by our TERMS OF USE
You can read all about our BLOG HOPS and how to participate HERE

And now for my project!

It's always nice to give a little something to those who take care of our pets when we go on vacation !!

I made a tag for a bottle of wine using the Jaded Blossom

Wine Tag die
Mini Tag die
Kitty Kitty (stamp set- sentiment and Paw prints)

If you don't know this is COOKIE from Pound Puppies !!!
I picked her because we raise Boxers !

I created the background paper with the paw print stamp its a great way to customize your paper!!

Thanks sooo much for stopping by !!

Next up on the Line Up is CRYSTAL !!!

Here is the complete blog line up for you!


1 Unknown said...

Such a great gift giving idea :-)

2 MischievousFox said...

This is a great idea! I must look into the wine bottle tag! Lovely!

3 Scrapper69 said...

Sooo CUTE!!! LOVE the Wine Tag! Adorable! :) Have a Great Weekend! :)

Scrappers Anonymous

Anonymous said...

Perfect idea. I know just the person who could use this.

5 Unknown said...

Cute idea...cute pooch!

6 Rincewind said...

:-) great project & wonderful way to fund raise for Brad.

Thank you for letting us take part

7 Threadbear said...

Your tag is adorable!!

8 cathsamum said...

Great idea - and looks fantastic!

9 shawnacreate said...


10 Pam said...

Very cute :)

11 Unknown said...

Great job!

12 Unknown said...

Love it!

13 Unknown said...

What a super idea!!!

14 Unknown said...

What a great idea!

15 Dawn H said...

So cute!

16 Classic Creations by Shawn said...

Love the tag

17 2craftykaties said...

love the many ways to use JB stamps!!! Love boxers, great wine tag!

18 snappy scrappy said...

Soooo cute!

19 Cindy Beland said...

FANTASTIC job with your sweet wine tag Michelle, it looks so STINKIN' CUTE!!! Have a SUPER DUPER weekend my friend!!!

20 Keri’s Kreativity said...

This is so cute! I LOVE this HOP!!

21 Unknown said...

I never heard about the Pound Puppies, but they she is adorable

22 Unknown said...

What a great idea!

23 Scrapbooking Maria said...

Very cute

24 Sin City Chix said...

This project is fabulous! I'm dog sitting next week and I'm so backwards I would make this for them as a thank you for letting me dog sit. LOL! Cookie is so sweet and that custom paper is great too!

25 Unknown said...

Lovely tag!

26 Unknown said...


27 Unknown said...

Great idea with the wine label tag..such a cute project..Thank you so much for helping Brad.

28 MARITA said...

mega nice, mega cute

29 Unknown said...

Love the detail and colors.

30 Melissa said...

Darling! Love the cute boxer.

31 joys said...


32 Crafting on Caffeine said...

adorable! Love love love this!

33 Unknown said...

Love it!

34 Unknown said...

Cute! I love it

35 cropstoolittle said...

Adorable! especially that paw print paper it came out darling!

36 Unknown said...

Very sweet. Wonderful image and great idea for a project.

37 red1979 said...

Great idea for saying thanks! Cute tag also!

38 Unknown said...

I love the wine tag is adorable

39 Unknown said...

Great project and idea!!

40 BilyCreations said...

Very cute

41 Unknown said...

Love this

42 Unknown said...

Love it

43 scraptraci said...

what a cute idea for a thank you

44 Paula Bee said...

What a great idea as a thank you gift!

45 Lucia Gonzalez said...

Great tag and gift for all they take care of your dogs.

46 Unknown said...

Sooo cute!! Thanks for sharing!!

47 Kim Ricketts said...

Too too cute!!!! I love pound puppies!

48 Kate said...

Too Cute.

49 Samantha said...

I just love the puppies.

50 Debby Pannell said...

Super cute bottle tag.

51 Unknown said...


52 Kathy said...

Oh i remember the pound puppies cute tag.

53 Unknown said...

love it

54 cema1cema said...

such a cute idea!!

55 SiskiyouSue said...

Cute tag, great gift idea.